Ways you can help
INFORMATION If you have any information regarding Veronika Cherkasova's case that is not covered on this website, please share it with us: mail@veronikacherkasova.org
Your anonymity is guaranteed.
GENERATE PUBLICITY The case of Veronika Cherkasova needs publicity. The authorities have tried to implicate Veronika's son in order to present her murder as a domestic crime. When they failed, they simply closed the investigation. Only continued publicity can ensure that those responsible will be brought to justice.
If you are a reporter writing about this case, please don't hesitate to contact us at mail@veronikacherkasova.org
APPEALS & LETTERS OF PROTEST Several international organizations, including Reporters Without Borders & World Association of Newspapers have appealed to the Belarusian government demanding a fair and impartial investigation of the murder and calling on the government to halt the ongoing harassment of Veronika's family.
You can join their efforts by directing your own letter of protest to:
President Aleksandr Lukasheko
K. Marx Street, 38
Minsk, Belarus 220016
Fax: (+375-172-26-06-10)
or email
Procurator General of the Republic of Belarus
ul. Internatsionalnaia, 22
220050 g. Minsk
Fax: +375 (172) 26 41 66
Salutation: Dear Procurator General
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
Vladimir V. NAUMOV
Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del
Respubliki Belarus
ul.Gorodskoi Val, 4
220615 g. Minsk
Fax: +375 (172) 26 12 47
Salutation: Dear Minister
as well as to embassies and consulates of Belarus in your country http://www.belembassy.org/index_eng.htm
ACTIONS Defending Human Rights in Belarus
[A Campaign of Solidarity by Amnesty International...]